The Basic Mastering Course is a practical guide to mastering in the modern home studio environment. You will learn the skills necessary to master your own mixes and productions, or the work of other producers and artists. This course will teach you mastering specific equalization, compression and spatial imaging techniques as well as maximizing and exporting the final masters for streaming, downloads and CD.
This is an introduction to the art of Mastering, defining what it is and explaining its role in the music production process.
What is Mastering
The Evolution of Mastering
A History of Loudness
Modern Mastering
The Mastering Process, Step by Step
There are many forms of Mastering Software. Some are focussed purely on processing audio and others offer advanced editing features and the ability to create CD Masters.
Basic Mastering Plugins
Advanced Mastering Plugins
CD Mastering Software
Restoration Software
Mastering Hardware
These lessons focus on the application of Equalization in the Mastering Process
Frequencies and the 3D Sound Field
Mastering Equalizers
Working With Filters in Mastering
Additive Equalization In Mastering
Mastering EQ in the Processing Chain
These lessons focus on Compression and Limiting Techniques in the Mastering Process.
Mastering and Frequency Density
Mastering Compression Techniques
Mastering Limiter Techniques
Mastering With MultiBand Compressors
Mastering With MultiBand Limiters
Size is about much more than just frequencies and compression, it’s also about depth and focused imaging. These lessons uncover valuable depth and imaging techniques to squeeze out all the size you can get from a mix.
The 3D Sound-Field
Stereo vs. M/S Processing
Early Reflections and Reverb
Exciters and Imaging Plugins
Mono Compatibility
Love it or Hate it Loudness is a inescapable part of the modern music production environment. This is about more than just making your mix louder than the next guy’s mix, it is about adapting your mixes to the many ways people listen to music and the environments they listen in.
Meters and Metering Techniques
Perceived Loudness vs. Levels
Compression Techniques for Loudness
Peak Limiters and Loudness
Loudness and Dynamic Range
The process of mastering for CD involves a number of additional steps and considerations to get the best results from the manufacturing process.
Song Order, Spacing and Levels
CD Subcodes and CD Text
DDP and CDR Production Masters
Glass Masters and the Manufacturing Process
Mastering Documentation
After all the processing and preparation work is done, the final master must be exported and converted to the necessary formats for distribution. These lessons discuss.
Understanding Bit Depth and Dithering
Exporting the CD and DDP Masters
Exporting Individual Masters
Format Conversion in Mastering
Final Thoughts…
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